Dr. Toni LaMotta

Toni LaMotta is a highly regarded spiritual coach, dynamic master teacher, internationally acclaimed speaker, and an expert in facilitating change.  She is currently the Education Coordinator for the Integral Christian Network as well as a Quantum Living Coach. 
Toni's broad range of experiences have brought her in front of audiences at some of the top US companies, including IBM, AT&T, and Pennzoil as well as college and high school students. She served as a Catholic nun and pastoral associate for 16 years before discovering New Thought and becoming a Minister over 25 years ago.
She holds a Doctorate in Religious Studies as well as a Doctor of Divinity degree; and three master’s Degrees - in Pastoral Ministry, Adult Education, and Mathematics. (a truly whole-brain individual.)
Toni’s wit and wisdom speak to both the head and the heart. Her fascinating life journey has led to a depth of compassion, personal growth, and understanding that is truly inspiring.  (https://tonilamotta.com )


"I engaged in the Quantum Living process like an eagle that was hatched in a chicken coop. I was living with the mistaken identity of a chicken. I thought like a chicken and acted like a chicken, and chicken feathers hid my true eagle nature. "Not belonging", "not good enough", "a disappointment" - these were the shadow quality feathers that needed to be plucked. For 21 days, Dr. Toni guided the plucking process. Toni's constant mantra was, "Eagle! You are an eagle. You belong in the sky!" Each day, a worksheet released chicken feathers into the wind. And then my massive eagle wings began to stretch. They empowered me to be who I already am - generous, fearless, wonder-filled, and radiant. I can now fly into the sky, into the Christ who beckons me. So, if you now cluck like a chicken but want to screech like an eagle, spend 21 days with Dr. Toni. She is a gifted feather plucker!” ~John Hynes

Contact info:

email: drtoni@tonilamotta.com

phone: (941) 928-3529


Linda M. Ihrig


Jenn Shepard